Friday, December 22, 2006

"Time" for a few facts??

Time magazine recently published an opinion piece by our BFF James Dobson, decrying the shame of poor Mary Cheney's child-to-be, entitled, "Two Mommies is One Too Many." (i don't feel like linking there and giving Mr. Dobson and Times' online advertisers even more due.)

needless to say, the serpent-tongued spin-doctor's article reeked of false facts and inaccuracies regarding the abilities of same-sex couples to raise a healthy child, in bold contravention to the actual truths of decades of studies on this same topic.

even if you refuse to read the article, i beg you like-minded peeps to sign this
petition by "Soulforce" to Times Magazine to publish a counter-article accurately describing the facts behind Mr. Dobson's bigoted, wilfully ignorant and un-scientific views.

Monday, December 11, 2006


i guess that the initial excitement of doing a january marathon in phoenix was enough to blind me to the fact that i'd eventually be doing 20 mile runs in terrible weather here in chicago.

but that's exactly what happened on saturday. although it was supposed to miraculously reach into the lower 40's, it never really got much above 25 while i ran, not to mention that stiff west-southwesterly wind keeping me cursing the entire time. no wonder i had the urge to cut off both legs after i finished.

oh well, i guess that there's only one more long run until taper!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

the littlest Cheney

gotta love the irony. . . (from, Page Rockwell):

Littlest Cheney will have two mommies

Hey, Mary Cheney's pregnant! ABC News (along with other media outlets) reports today that Cheney and her longtime partner, Heather Poe, are expecting a baby in the spring. It's hard to know how to treat the news. Sure, it's nice that the couple is expecting, and it's fun to think that their nontraditional family will be rolling up to future White House Christmas parties. Vice President and Mrs. Cheney are reportedly "looking forward with eager anticipation to the arrival of their sixth grandchild," which is also swell. As the daughter of the Bush administration's neoconservative vice president and an out lesbian, though, Mary Cheney has long been a lightning rod for arguments concerning gays, lesbians and the Christian right wing. And as always, it's tough to reconcile the Cheneys' private pride with their public support of a political platform that seeks to deny rights to gays.