Wednesday, August 10, 2005

back to reality, oops there goes gravity. . .

not that gravity works any different here in the northern hemisphere, but i am feeling it a bit more now that i'm back from beautiful BsAs. the reasons are many: (1) work load hits like an out-of-control locomotive bent on destruction of the very concept of peace; (2) 10 days of constant intake of extreme amounts of food and wine, coupled with decreased triathlon training, have literally made me more susceptible to the effects of the earth's gravitational pull; (3) 95 muggy and polluted degrees fahrenheit seem to weigh one down more than the crisp 10s (celsius) of a BsAs winter; (4) just having finished "oryx and crake" (m. atwood) on the plane ride home leaves me feeling extremely depressed about the future of humanity. . .

all in all, a slow, wet, hot, sad, dirty, heavy, and somehow still manic return to the quotidian.

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