Thursday, December 08, 2005

poor gay James Buchanan

. . .just read an article by Richard Reeves that summarized a poll taken of American Historians about where Bush II would rank among our presidents. Previously, the rumored-to-be-gay and only bachelor president ever, James Buchanan, had been ranked as our worst, because of things like his unintentional contributions to the start of the Civil War, for instance.

but, it seems, the historians feel that Bush II may surpass Mr. Buchanan in this dubious distinction, and be remembered as our worst president yet. (at least Buchanan had only one term.)

the highlights:

"This is what those historians said -- and it should be noted that some of the criticism about deficit spending and misuse of the military came from self-identified conservatives -- about the Bush record:

He has taken the country into an unwinnable war and alienated friend and foe alike in the process;

He is bankrupting the country with a combination of aggressive military spending and reduced taxation of the rich;

He has deliberately and dangerously attacked separation of church and state;

He has repeatedly "misled," to use a kind word, the American people on affairs domestic and foreign;

He has proved to be incompetent in affairs domestic (New Orleans) and foreign (Iraq and the battle against al-Qaida);

He has sacrificed American employment (including the toleration of pension and benefit elimination) to increase overall productivity;

He is ignorantly hostile to science and technological progress;

He has tolerated or ignored one of the republic's oldest problems, corporate cheating in supplying the military in wartime."

At least now there's hope that it won't be the poor gay president that gets the worst rap. . .

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